1. TUITION: Several payment plans are available and must be selected at time of registration. A. Payment in Full (at time of registration). B. Two Payment Plan payable in two installments – Sept 1st and Feb 1st. C. Monthly Installment Plan – tuition is to be paid on the day of or prior to the first class of each month.
1a. At the time of registration, Sept and June (FIRST & LAST MONTH) installments are required, as well as a $25.00 registration fee per child, before my child may begin class. I am required to pay a FULL MONTH OF TUITION no matter when in the month my child begins lessons.
A monthly $15 charge will be assessed on all balances in arrears for thirty (30) days or more. I will be responsible for these and any and all legal and/or collection fees incurred by Metuchen Dance Centre should my account become delinquent. There is a $35.00 service charge for any check returned from the bank. Metuchen Dance Centre does not accept post-dated checks.
2. REFUND POLICY: No refunds or credits will be given for classes missed. Make-up classes are available. A student may try a class, and if enrolled, tuition will be charged from the BEGINNING of that month.
4. SCHEDULE CHANGES: Metuchen Dance Centre reserves the right to alter class schedules, for any reason, either temporarily or permanently, without fault or liability.
5. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to be aware of all studio activities such as performances, extra classes, and dates the studio is open or closed. The studio will post notices at the school and online as well as email reminders to parents/guardians.
6. COSTUMES: are be ordered well in advance of recital. I must pay for all costumes no later than December 10th. No refunds or exchanges are offered on costume orders. If student is unable to perform in the recital, teacher and the office must be notified in writing otherwise a costume will be ordered.
7. RELEASE OF LIABILITY: My child will be participating in a physical activity, and as such, I am aware of the element of risk. Any limitation in ability to participate due to a medical condition must be noted below as “Medical Limitation”. Failure to note such a condition is a warranty by the parent that such condition does not exist. As the legal parent or guardian, I release and hold harmless Metuchen Dance Centre, its owners, agents, servants and assigns from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control of Metuchen Dance Centre, its owners and operators or in route to or from any of said premises.
8. CONSENT: In the event of an accident or illness involving my child, I will be notified immediately. In the event that neither I nor the person designated as emergency contact can be contacted, I hereby authorize Metuchen Dance Centre to take any steps deemed necessary to make medical attention available, including, but not limited to, physicians, hospital and/or any other medical services, and Metuchen Dance Centre shall have full discretion to make such decision. In such event, I further agree that any and all costs of such medical services shall be borne exclusively by me and Metuchen Dance Centre Shall incur no liability.
9. PHOTO RELEASE: All recordings, including but not limited to video, audio, still pictures, motion pictures of any event, including but not limited to recitals, rehearsals, dance acts, classes, demonstrations, and/or competitions remain the property of Metuchen Dance Centre with all rights of ownership thereby retained. Metuchen Dance Centre is hereby granted permission to take photographs or videos of the students to use in brochures, web sites, posters, advertisements, and other promotional materials the school creates. I understand the student's name may be used in conjunction with a picture for studio newsletters / programs only.
10. Metuchen Dance Centre reserves the right to drop any registrant from our registrar for:
a. Excessive lateness and/or absence;
b. Disruptive behavior;
c. Non-payment of tuition and/or other charges
11. I acknowledge that the original of the agreement and enrollment form will be held on file in the office of Metuchen Dance Centre, and that I may obtain a photocopy of it upon request.